About the Oil Mill Lane Residents Association

Oil Mill Lane Residents Association (OMLRA) was created in 2002 by the residents of Oil Mill Lane and those living in all lanes leading from Oil Mill Lane.
The aims and objectives of the Association are to protect and conserve the rural integrity of the environment in which the residents live.
The Association involves itself in local planning, environment and management issues with the sole aim of caring for our rural area.
The Association meets regularly as a full membership and also as a committee, with an annual General Meeting to nominate and vote in the committee members, and other positions of responsibility.

The Association has a very friendly atmosphere, and includes people from all walks of life which tends to turn social events into quite entertaining evenings.
At the same time the Association adheres to expected guidelines that enable the Association to act as an 'offical body' when their comments and opinions need to be heard.
Over the years of the Associations existence, this 'single voice' has been effective in getting our views noticed when events or actions in the local area are not seen to be preserving the rural integrity of our environment.